The development of the early infancy child and his behaviour in the first year of life.

  • Luis Enrique Labrada Estrada
  • Olemma Elvira Diéguez Corría
  • Yusleidys Rodríguez Aguilar
  • Flor Virtudes Palomino Arceo
Keywords: early infancy, development, reflex activity


The work deals with the main features of the child's development during the first year of life, mainly about his first early reflex activity seen as the principal manifestation of thedevelopment. The main innate reflex types are named, as well as their pre-natal development stages and the principal characteristics that show an atypical child behaviour that contribute to do a forehanded diagnose, and above all, an effective early stimulation process. The work is a very outstanding consulting material for educational workers, families and other agents that have to do with the child's development because it deals with a stage in which the just born kid is not directly linked to pre-school institutions.
