Innovative approaches to the development of environmental education in high school.

  • Gizatulla Imashev
  • Bayan Kuanbayeva
  • Shynar Yelezhanova
  • Aygul Myrzasheva
  • Aygul Medeshova
  • Gulash Kochshanova
  • Dina Zharalgapova
  • Lida Sultangaliyeva
Keywords: environmental issues, scientific and technological progress, environment, human health, environmental education


The article is devoted to the formation of a person with a high level of ecological culture, the components of which are a new environmental consciousness, ecological thinking, and ecological worldview. This article reveals innovative approaches to the development of environmental education in modern high school. The paper considers the problems of environmental education in a modern secondary school by the objectives of general education in the conditions of innovative technologies. In view of the scientific and pedagogical analysis of the relevant literature and normative documentation, didactic stages and directions of modernization of environmental education at the present stage are identified and justified.
