Theoretical foundations that determine the development of a research protocol proposal for the approach of aggressive behaviors and learning in kindergarten children.

  • Ilse Yarazet Herrera Acevedo Jardín de niños “Antonia Nava de Catalán” en la ciudad de Iguala
Keywords: research protocol, learning in kindergarten children, aggressive behaviors, theoretical foundations


In this work, the theoretical foundations that support a research protocol based on the analysis of aggressive behaviors and learning in kindergarten are presented, as well as the differences that exist between nurseries and kindergarten, consequences and difficulties that arise for the acquisition and development of learning in children who present aggressive behaviors in preschool, and thus, a research protocol "Aggressive behaviors and learning in kindergarten children" is proposed that conceives the design of a pedagogical strategy for the full development of the students of the “Antonia Nava de Catalán” kindergarten.
