Role of myth and religion in the culture of Ethnos.

  • Azer A. Mamedov
  • Tatyana N. Fomina
  • Valentina A. Shabunina
  • Esita E. Ganaeva
  • Sergey L. Grigoryev.
Keywords: ethnic consciousness, myth, culture, Talysh


The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of myth and religion in the culture of ethnic groups, highlighting the importance of the environment, landscape and ecology to the formation of ethnic associations in a particular territory. A rational reconstruction of the content of the religious and mythological elements of the ethnic conscience with approach to the myth was carried out as the first spiritual manifestation that allowed the definition of the primary basis of the ethnic conscience. The importance of these ethnic groups to find a harmonious coexistence with their environment is pointed out, concluding that ethnic Talysh self-identity was formed in close relation with its surrounding geographical environment limited by the Talysh mountains system, which characterize isolations that have contributed to the preservation of the singular and original Talysh culture during a long historical period.
