Attention to individual differences in early education? The talented child.

  • Jeny Cuaspud Arcibniegas
  • Julio Morillo Cano
  • Nancy Valladares Carvajal
  • Carlos Grimaldo Lorente
  • Melba Narváez Jaramillo. 
Keywords: gifted children, early education, individual differences


Gifted and talented children represent a significant challenge for educational systems, which is not being answered correctly in many cases and in recent decades requires psychopedagogical studies from scientific research in most of the nations. This extends to the field of initial education, as there is a lack of knowledge about the treatment and particularities of attention to individual differences in children under 6 years, with a view to identifying the talented child. The present investigation, through a panoramic vision of the subject, intends to assess the current knowledge about the identification and treatment of talented children from the initial teaching.
