Learning strategies and achievement motivation of students of the second cycle of the Universidad Nacional del Callao, Lima.

  • Gabriel Eduardo Alvarado Azaña Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Ronald Jesús Alarcón Anco Universidad Alas Peruanas
  • Heyden Neil Flores de la Cruz Universidad San Juan Bautista
  • Rosa Candelaria Ramírez Heredia Universidad Inca Garcilazo de la Vega
Keywords: learning strategy, achievement motivation, students


The research was developed at the National University of Callao and its objective is to determine the predominant learning strategy related to achievement motivation of the students of the second cycle of the University. The following dimensions were analyzed: information acquisition strategies; information encoding strategies; information retrieval strategies and processing support strategies. The type and design of the study is descriptive, explanatory, qualitative and quantitative. Among the data collection techniques used were visual observation, documentary review and two questionnaires.
