Subjective, historical, and cultural corporality in Latin American Physical Education. An epistemological, curricular and decolonial perspective.

  • Felipe Mujica Johnson Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación
Keywords: body, physical education, modernity, culture, curriculum


This essay has been developed that aims to partially understand the narrative turn towards the corporeal in Latin America and the curricular possibilities that it generates in school education. It is recognized that in different Latin American countries, a narrative about human corporality has been shaping up that promotes a subjective, historical, and cultural interpretation of educational experiences focused on the corporal. This narrative is opposed to the colonial, biomedical and neoliberal perspective of the body in Physical Education, which is why it is positioned as an overcoming current that advances towards the diversity and complexity of this pedagogical discipline. At the same time, it allows us to conceive an experiential and critical school curriculum.
