About the Journal

¡Welcome to "Contemporary dilemmas: Education, Politics and Values"

"Contemporary dilemmas: Education, Politics and Values" is a quarterly electronic publication in the months of january, may, and september edited by the Civil Society "Consultants and tutoring for the scientific research in the Education Puig-Salabarría C.S.", https://www.asesoriasytutoriaspuig-salabarria.com, email: asesoriaspuigsalabarria@gmail.com, Private Research Centre (RENIECYT-CONACYT) no:197386, registry no.2016-16735, located at Pino Suárez, 400-2, Col. Santa Clara, Toluca, Estado de México, México. CP: 50090, Tel: 0052-7223898479 / 0052-7223898479, Chief Editor: Dr. José Sergio Puig Espinosa with rights reserved to the exclusive use no. 04-2013-050912481700-203, ISSN: 2007-7890, both awarded by the National Institute of Copyright, Mexico. It is prohibited the total or partial reproduction of contents and images of the publication without prior authorization of the National Institute of Copyright.

The responsible for the latest update of this issue: Year XII, Publication #2, January 2025, is the Informatics and Computing Department from Consultants and tutoring for the scientific research in the Education Puig-Salabarría, Dr. José Sergio Puig Espinosa, located at Pino Suárez, 400-2, Col. Santa Clara, Toluca, Estado de México, México, C.P. 50090. Last modification date: January 1st, 2025.

The journal was founded in April 2013 with the aim of publishing articles of academic and research nature in all fields related to Education, Politics and Values, which promote a space for reflection, exchange and update of knowledge in our readers (teachers, students, researchers, managers, politicians and anyone else interested in issues of social, political, economical, and cultural interest and impact).

The journal publishes original articles in Spanish and English languages which haven't been previously published, and presents research results at national and international level in any of the fields related specifically to the Sciences of Education (the teaching-learning process and the teaching-educational process at the different levels of Education, teacher training, methodological work in educational institutions, Education for Health and public health and their development and impact on educational institutions, etc.), to Pedagogical Sciences (Pedagogy and Didactics), to Political Sciences (political theory, political processes, relevant political figures, political systems, political culture and public opinion, public policies, international politics and terrorism, sociological studies, political socialization, migrations and migration processes, etc.) and Axiology, as well as other fields and topics related to social sciences such as Law, Administration, Economics, Tourism, Literature, Psychology, which in their entirety provide theoretical, practical, theoretical-practical knowledge, methodological perspectives of those fields and topics of scientific knowledge, as well as impact and social applications of science and technology, and in turn, promote the meeting of researchers and academics on scientific grounds. In addition, this journal accepts scientific papers and keynote lectures presented in national and international events, interviews with academics and researchers of well-known prestige, as well as any other article that might be of interest of the journal and its readers. The viewpoints expressed by the authors in their articles do not necessarily reflect the position of the editorial staff.

The journal does not accept articles, which are being simultaneously subjected to a process of evaluation by other journals. The article submitted to the journal has to comply with the above requirement, and the author, just at sending it, declares being aware of and accepting the requirement. All articles are subjected to a double-blind peer-reviewed rigorous evaluation process, in which evaluators (internal and externals) carried out the evaluation process. This is done by at least an internal evaluator and two external evaluators, all specialists in the subject have to issue a favorable report as a prerequisite to its acceptance. In case of recommendations are made to the article, the author will be contacted and must confirm the willingness to perform them. If an affirmative response is not received at a certain period of time to carry out the recommendations, the article is considered as rejected. The journal uses the Plagiarisma anti-plagiarism review system in all papers that are submitted to the journal for evaluation, and papers with positive results will be considered rejected and the author will be informed of that result.

The journal has an external scientific board from national and international specialists in the fields of the journal publication, who put special attention in the evaluation process to any negligent or malpractice procedure. if what was said (any negligent or malpractice) is found at any time after the publication of the article, it will immediately be removed from publication for not following the aspect stated in the Code of Conduct of the journal.

"Contemporary Dilemmas: Education, Politics and Values" provides free immediate open access via the Internet to all its content published since the beginning of the journal under the criteria of free availability to any national or international reader, given its inclusion in the OJS journal system, and the authors do not receive any economic charge for the submission, evaluation and publication of their articles in regular editions, thus supporting a greater exchange of global knowledge.