Rehabilitation and social reinsertion a chimera for the deprived of liberty.

  • Mesías Elías Machado Maliza
  • Emily Mishell Hernández Gaibor
  • Marjorie Salome Inga Jaramillo
  • Diego Fabricio Tixi Torres.
Keywords: rehabilitation, reinsertion, law, deprivation of freedom, rights


The lack of adequate policies, resources and professionals trained to exercise and implement rehabilitation processes, prevent the objective of social reintegration. Prison policy agencies should guide their interest in this social problem, applying the provisions of our Constitution, International Human Rights Instruments and Comprehensive Criminal Organic Code, by promoting a better harmony in social coexistence. The objective of this research is to create a procedure for the certification of work activities that facilitates adequate rehabilitation of the deprived of liberty at the Chimborazo Social Rehabilitation Center.
