Environmental rationality in peasant movements. The case of the Victoria del Portete Parish.

  • Julio A. Alvarado Vélez
  • Jennifer Mabel Ube Olvera
  • Richard Fernando Hurtado Guevara
  • Jorge Hernán Almeida Blacio.
Keywords: environmental rationality, peasant movements, discourse analysis, large-scale mining, Political Ecology


Peasant protests against megamining have deployed a variety of strategies, including environmental discourses to protect their spaces and ways of life. The objective of this article was to determine whether farmers who use this type of discourse possess environmental rationality. To this end, a field investigation was carried out where, based on semi-structured interviews, the speeches of the mobilized actors against the large-scale Loma Larga project, in the province of Azuay, were analyzed.
