Experiences of the socio-community linkage project of the Psychology career at the Technical University of Babahoyo.

  • Mercedes María Cámpelo Vásquez
  • Patricia Del Pilar Sánchez Cabezas
  • Heriberto Enrique Luna Álvarez
  • Xavier Eduardo Franco Chóez.
Keywords: Formation of values, adolescents, relationship with society


University careers have the responsibility of designing projects to connect with society based on subjects or as part of thesis research; requirement with formative value and results in an opportunity to specify the responsibility of Higher Education institutions with community transformation. The systematization of the experiences in the Psychology career of the Technical University of Babahoyo, the last 2 years, shows a methodological procedure carried out from the group tutoring. This work exposes ideas that supported the experience and presents results of the impact assessment from the perspective of the participants.
