The differentiation of theft from related offenses.

  • Elena Bakhteeva
  • Irina Soshnikova
  • Anna Gubareva
  • Kseniya Kovalenko.
Keywords: criminal law, crime, theft, robbery


The article is devoted to the analysis of criminal law, namely, the delimitation of theft and related offences. In criminal law theory, the embezzlement of funds is determined, just as the form of theft is determined by the method of its commission; therefore, theft, fraud, misappropriation or embezzlement are forms of theft. In the practice of criminal proceedings, the delimitation of theft is one of the problematic issues and causes many errors. Judicial practice materials and analysis of statistical data indicate that the activity of the courts to combat these crimes does not fully meet the requisites; therefore, some courts make mistakes in qualifying the actions of perpetrators, including the delimitation of theft and related categories of crimes, and so on.
