Educational software for the dissemination of the historical heritage of the Milagro-Quevedo Culture.

  • Luis Orlando Albarracín Zambrano
  • Edmundo José Jalón Arias
  • Juan Carlos Albarracín Matute
  • Luis Javier Molina Chalacan.
Keywords: educational software, web programming, virtual environment


This presentation is a research paper that allows to recognize an educational tool that identifies and evaluates the resources of the Miracle-Quevedo culture. The project contributes to forming a source of knowledge for students of all levels of education in the province of Los Ríos, follows basic principles of didactic reengineering and multiple intelligences, bringing the student closer to Learning by Discovery by applying own knowledge of specific competencies of your student profile, develops your analytical capacity and allows you to develop interactive montages from heritage objects present in the MUSEUM of UNIANDES.
