Technology: Virtual education and its contribution to human development.

  • Javier Enrique Martínez Ruiz
  • Manuel Alberto Segobia Ocaña
  • Juan Alipio Sobenis.
Keywords: Human development, virtual education, technologies


The virtual education or training is a characteristic of studies in the autonomous development of an individual, whether young or adult. It is common to meet young people who for situations: family, economic or work, tend to choose this type of studies, and in contrast, adults, even with the need for personal and professional improvement, do not usually attend the virtual study due to circumstances: work, time coordination, geographical location, ages or independent learning. This research details with how virtual education in adults has been part of the professional progress of an individual, promoting their own discovery of learning and knowledge in all its splendor. This education in turn helps to potentiate human development by playing an important role in society.
