Legal consciousness and legal culture of Russian citizens: theoretical and legal formulation of the problem.

  • Sergey M. Vorobyov
  • Natalia V. Zotova
  • Sergey A. Komarov
  • Olga V. Leshhenko
  • Rustam M. Kurmaev.
Keywords: legal consciousness, legal culture, legal education, legal literacy, Russia


This article is devoted to the understanding of the essence of legal consciousness and legal culture of Russian citizens from the perspective of conceptual approaches that have been developed in the science of the theory of state and law of Russia at the end of the 19th century till present time, formulating the author's definitions of "legal consciousness", "legal culture", and "legal education". The dialectical method of cognition, the principle of comprehensiveness and historicism, modern general scientific and private scientific methods of logical cognition were used. The article concludes the role of state policy in increasing level of legal literacy, legal awareness and legal culture of the population and involvement of citizens in the social and legal life of the state.
