Human impact of occupational accidents In Itinere and its visibility in ecuadorian society 2016–2018.

  • Oscar Manuel Tapia Claudio
  • Carla Barazarte Massai
  • Miguel Hernández Aragón
  • Yolis Yahaira Campos Villalta.
Keywords: In itinere accident, traffic accident, impact, Ecuador


Traffic is a major obstacle to development, a serious public health problem and one of the leading causes of death and injury worldwide. Considering the reports of international organizations regarding traffic accidents and their relationship with occupational accidents In Itinere, it is necessary to estimate the human impact that it represents in Ecuador. Based on data from the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute (IESS), it was found that the highest mortality rate (2016, 2017) were 4 deaths per 1,000,000 affiliated members of the IESS, with a ratio of 2:1 male-female, prevailing the ages of 26-35 years and with a total of 6,919.4 productive years lost, meaning this an impact with unacceptable political, economic and social visibility.
