Pharmacotherapeutic follow-up for gastroenteritis in pediatric patients at the “Isidro Ayora Loja” General Hospital.

  • Lester Wong Vázquez
  • Nancy Clara Verano Gómez
  • Elsy Labrada González
  • Lázaro López Fernández.
Keywords: Gastroenteritis, medication related problems


Acute Gastroenteritis is one of the most common pathologies in paediatric age and one of the main reasons for consultation in both primary care and emergency departments. The objective of this research is to determine drug-related problems in paediatric patients with Gastroenteritis at “Isidro Ayora Loja” General Hospital. A retrospective, descriptive and crosssectional study was conducted on prescription errors in 50 patients receiving drug treatment for Gastroenteritis during the months of January to June 2018.
