Behavior of the level of knowledge of mothers of newborns with Down syndrome in the neonatology service of Ambato General Teaching Hospital.

  • Adisnay Rodríguez Plasencia
  • Nancy Clara Verano Gómez
  • Mayrenis Cabrera Capote
  • Alina Rosa Soria Acosta.
Keywords: comprehensive care, Down Syndrome, excess chromosomal


In Latin America, an average of 24.7 out of 10,000 babies born is recorded with a high figure when compared to this figure with the entire region. In addition, in the last 30 years, the number of babies born with the syndrome has tripled in countries such as Chile, the research was carried out at Ambato General Teaching Hospital, Ecuador, with the aim of designing a care plan for comprehensive care for children and newborns with Down syndrome in the neonatology service.
