North Caucasian literature. Paradigm forms of individual style of A. Urusova.

  • Fatima Uzdenova
  • Almira Kazieva
  • Mariza Chotchaeva
  • Larisa Murnaeva.
Keywords: Karachay-Balkarian poetry, A. Urusova, features of the individual style, evolution of artistic consciousness, ethnic specificity


The possibilities of the individual development of the poetic thinking of the authors without the influence of general cultural and literary factors, or in conditions of its significant weakening are analyzed in the article. Consideration of the works of the Karachai poetess leads to an unambiguous thesis about the completeness of the possible evolutionary way of national authors. A particular assumption about the synchronism of the creative evolution of A.M. Urusova and the stage development of the whole Karachay-Balkarian poetry, followed by a general conclusion about the dynamics resources of the individual artistic consciousness, marked by the typological heterogeneity of its inherent ways of aesthetic reflection of the outward things, is formulated.
