Effective cooperation and non-disarticulation of organized crime in Ecuador.

  • Diego Fabricio Tixi Torres
  • Mercedes Carolina Navarro Cejas
  • Daisy Narcisa Rojas Sánchez
  • Juan Bladimir Navas Pazmiño.
Keywords: effective cooperation, organized crime, Premial Criminal Law


Organized crime is a global problem and it is an important issue to address. The legislation of Ecuador in the year 2014 puts the COIP into effect and incorporates a special technique, "Effective Cooperation", where an agreement is made between the prosecutor and the cooperator in order to stop organized crime. Effective cooperation facilitates the work of the prosecutor in its investigation, and on the other hand, they benefit the informer by its reduction and becomes a tool for criminal investigation at the stage of fiscal instruction for the imputation and prosecution of a criminal organization.
