National economy clustering within the framework of the world economic mechanism.

  • Inna Litvinenko
  • Vladimir Korolkov
  • Vladimir Protas
  • Irina Smirnova
  • Nadezda Solovykh.
Keywords: clustering, cluster policy, national economy, world economy


An important component of the economic policy of each state is the development of a unique and appropriate structure and characteristics of its national economy competitiveness policies in the system of international trade and economic relations, the absolute, relative, structural and correlation indicators of which can be considered as indicators of the competitive position of a single country, as well as of groups of economically closely related countries (for example, the European Union, AFTA, Mercosur, and others). The concept of competitiveness of the national economy is a multifaceted concept and for its practical application, different groups of researchers and analysts offer various techniques. The article deepens oh these aspects.
