Concert and performance activity as a tool for developing creative competence of students.

  • Tatyana Y. Medvedeva
  • Olga A. Sizova
  • Rimma A. Ulyanova
  • Nadezhda V. Syrova
  • Lydia P. Depsames
  • Svetlana I. Yakovleva.
Keywords: creative competence, student, performance, competitive performance, concert


The paper discusses the issues associated with the development of students’ creative competence through the concert and performance activity. The scientific literature, covering the notions of creativity (from the perspective of the philosophical science), creative activity, creative competence (within the framework of the pedagogical science), and creativity (from the field of psychology) have been examined. The problems of organizing and delivering students’ concert performances have been analyzed. The process of organizing preparations to various creative events where active part is taken by the students in order to develop their creative competence is described.
