The formation of foreign language competence of engineering students through CLIL-method.

  • K.V. Vlasenko
  • I.V. Lovyanova
  • O.O. Chumak
  • I.V. Sitak
  • T.S. Kalashnykova.
Keywords: CLIL, foreign language competence, motivation, Elementary Mathematics, elective course, engineering students


The article looks into ways to develop intercultural knowledge of engineering students, forming their foreign language competence. The research displayed the influence of the Content- Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), contributing to students’ active social integration, and improving their motivation for mastering English. The study determined the CLIL approach principle, its model and postulates. This paper also describes the introduction of the “Elementary Mathematics in English” elective course for engineering students, choosing the model C3 CLIL method. The results confirm the positive dynamics of forming engineering students’ foreign language competence, аs well as improving their motivation to study through the development and implementation of the integrated elective course mentioned under certain educational conditions.
