The study of the professional career of specialists with different track record within the scope of systemic-contextual psychodiagnostics.

  • Mikhail I. Kargin
  • Valentina V. Buyanova
  • Nadezhda F. Sukhareva.
Keywords: motivation, professional career, system, systematic-contextual psychodiagnostics, SCP-diagnostics


The purpose of this research was to study the professional careers of employees with different track record within the scope of systemic-contextual psychodiagnostics. For accomplishing the research objectives and testing the hypothesis, research methods were used, including: theoretical analysis and consolidation of psychological science findings on the problem; ascertaining experiment; mathematical processing method with the use of Fisher's φ* criterion. Psychodiagnostic examination within the scope of SCP-diagnostics helped to reveal the differences in the features peculiar to the professional career of employees of the penal enforcement system with different track record.
