Influence of labor in determining the cost of production of roasted cocoa in the province of Santo Domingo Tsáchilas.

  • Angélica Dora Rodríguez Lara
  • Hernán Oswaldo Maldonado Pazmiño
  • Mónica Elizabeth Benalcázar Paladines
  • Fanny Maricela Pozo Hernández.
Keywords: Production control, costs, cost accounting, fabrication process


The scope of this research is to demonstrate the lack of controls that cocoa companies have when establishing the cost of production of roasted cocoa. Analyzing the questions asked of the companies surveyed, the main idea proposes a way to determine the impact that the workforce has when producing or transforming, and establish possible controls that can determine leisure hours in production; for this, it is proposed to base it from the bibliographic inquiry, and subsequently, methods that contribute to this requirement will be established.
