A microcycle variant for preparation and monitoring of physical performance.

  • Jesús Font Landa
  • Margarita Figueroa Silva
  • Robert Ávila Ortega.
Keywords: Microcycle, control, adjustment, preparation, performance


The functions that fulfill the proposed microcycle variant, as well as its representative features conditioned it to be called Control and Adjustment Microcycle, by promoting premises that allow the evaluation of the predicted result, thus providing a high degree of objectivity to physical performance control. The micro corroborates the athlete's performance in more than one functional direction, scientifically based on the Law of Biological Adaptation, on the Heterochronism Phenomenon of adaptive processes to training loads and on laws derived from Didactics. In the investigation, results of high scientific methodological level were reached, arriving at the conclusion, that its application makes it possible to exhibit its maximum performance at the given stage.
