The Development Bank: Impact on the Ecuadorian financial and economic sector based on its performance.

  • María Elena Espín Oleas
  • Mariela Arévalo Palacios.
Keywords: Banking, Development, Financial resources, economy, performance


This paper analyzes the role of public development banks in financial intermediation for the productive development of the country, collecting its beginning, evolution and transformation over time. In order to identify, through financial performance indicators, their work in the period 2000-2016, making a correlation between two different stages of the country's financial history, the first from the period 2000 to 2005, after the crisis of 1999 and the second from 2006 to 2016. Through a methodology of enveloping data analysis and a synthetic-analytical method with a qualitativequantitative approach; concluding thus, its participation in relation to private banking and the magnitude as a public institution.
