Organic Law on Disabilities and its impact on communicators to access work in the media in the city of Quevedo.

  • Patricia Yajaira Jadán Solís
  • Melba Lilian Triana Palma
  • Sandra Karina Daza Suarez
  • Tiylor Iván Palma Sosa
  • Evelyn Karina Verdesoto Pinargote.
Keywords: Communication, organic law of disabilities, media, skills, knowledge


The investigation was carried out in the different media of the city of Quevedo, where labor instability on communicators with disabilities is required. It consisted of a regulated study, which aims to contribute relevant information on the incidence of art. 47 of the Organic Law on Disabilities and its application for labor access and the development of complex cognitive skills in the formation of the social communicator that responds to the demands of today's society.
