Prevention of Writing Disorders among junior schoolchildren in a family environment.

  • Irina A. Emelyanova
  • Olga E. Shapovalova
  • Natalia V. Shklyar
  • Olga V. Karynbaeva
  • Elena A. Borisova.
Keywords: writing, dysgraphia, junior schoolchildren, interactions, family


The relevance of this research stems from a need to create favourable conditions for successful acquisition of writing skills by junior schoolchildren. A special role in solving this problem belongs to interactions between teacher and family bolstering pedagogical competence of the parents. This paper describes the results of an experimental research aimed at revealing difficulties in the acquisition of the writing skills by junior schoolchildren and gives methodical recommendations for parents. The leading method was an experimental examination, which helped to reveal the level of readiness of junior schoolchildren to acquire the writing skills and the preconditions of dysgraphia.
