Strengthening Critical Thinking of primary school teacher education students through development of Basic Mathematics Textbooks based on Life Skills and Problem-Solving.

  • Muhammad Zainuddin
  • Endang Setyo Winarni
  • Ayu Devia Miftahul Hasanah
  • Kistin Restu Perdana.
Keywords: life skills, mathematics, problem solving, textbooks


This study aimed to compile and develop basic math textbooks based on life skills and problem solving to strengthen the critical thinking of future elementary school students. The research was conducted using the Dick and Carey model. The summative test involved education students for elementary school teachers at Malang State University and Blitar Nahdlatul Ulama University. Descriptive statistics was used. It was obtained that these textbooks were useful for students to understand basic mathematical concepts through the strengthening of their critical thinking skills.
