Actual aspects of law. Comparative legal analysis of the rise and fall of the tribal principalities of the baltic slavs in the viii–xii centuries.

  • Melnikov Victor Yuryevich
  • Seregin Andrei Victorovich
  • Milkina Irina Vladimirovna
  • Kosarin Sergey Petrovich
  • Cherkasova Marina Aleksandrovna.
Keywords: Legal Slavistics, customs, tribes, Baltic Slavs, Principality


The study of topical issues of modern criminal and criminal procedure law in Russia is impossible without studying the formation of the state, the system of law. In the framework of development of a science of criminal law, law of Slavic studies a special place is occupied by the study of experience predgornogo (voditelskogo) development of Baltic Slavs in the early middle ages. The article on the basis of comparative legal methodology examines the patterns of origin, development, prosperity and decline of the early medieval tribal principalities of the Baltic Slavs. The authors prove that decentralization, tribal autonomy, national betrayal, religious violence and domination of the Veche over the princely.
