The pigmentation of Z250 microhybrid resins when in contact with natural caffeine-based energy drinks.

  • Paola Andrea Mena Silva
  • Yenny Catherine Linarez González
  • Liset Camaño Carballo
  • Ericka Fernanda Medina Vargas.
Keywords: natural energizing beverages, color change, Resin


This research evaluates the pigmentation of Z250 microhybrid resins by being in contact with natural caffeine-based energy drinks such as yerba mate, guarana and guayusa, with the aim of obtaining proven information and applying the knowledge in dental treatments. It is concluded that filtek z250 micro hybrid resins submerged in different natural energy drinks such as guayusa, yerba mate and guarana, have a color variation between 5 and 6 shades.
