Analysis of productive-commercial feasibility of the tea Coffe Express” in Santo Domingo.

  • Lourdes Viviana Moreira Rosales
  • Alex Fabian Quintero Rivadeneira
  • Carolina Isabel Vega Díaz
  • Julio Adrián Alvarado Vélez.
Keywords: project, analysis of feasibility, viability, emprendimiento, production


The purpose of the research was to determine the feasibility of creating the company "Coffee Express" based on the production and marketing of the roasted/ground coffee "tea" product, which in addition to encouraging innovation in products originating in Zone 4 ( Manabí-Santo Domingo) will contribute to improving the incomes of the inhabitants of the Province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. Its starting point is the theoretical principles of administrative processes as a useful tool in the planning, organization and control of project objectives. The development of the project is concluded economically.
