A study of Irigaray’s mother-daughter genealogy in Sara Paretsky’s Brush Back.

  • Candidate Maryam Imani
  • Zohreh Ramin.
Keywords: Demeter, feminine subjectivity, Irigaray, mother-daughter genealogy, Persephone


Luce Irigaray, the psycholinguist feminist philosopher, affirms that the feminine subjectivity is attainable via some active conducts out of which the mother-daughter genealogy is the most prominent one. The well-known myth of Persephone and her mother, Demeter, is the inspirational basis to Irigaray’s mother and daughter relationship which is also identifiable within Sara Paretsky’s Brush Back. Analyzing the similarities and the differences between Irigaray’s notion of mother-daughter genealogy in the myth and the way in which Paretsky utilizes the theme in her novel, would be the conclusive result of this study which would as well indirectly remind the reader the necessity of acknowledging the mother-daughter genealogy in order to build a world culture.
