Reflections on family conflicts and mediation as a field of application.

  • Blanca Esmeralda Brito Herrera
  • Verónica Yesenia Valencia Vargas
  • Rosa Leonor Maldonado Manzano.
Keywords: Family conflicts, Conflict management, Parents, Family Mediation


Conflicts arising within the family environment, rupture of couple relationships and their involvement in descendants are addressed, with the aim of determining how family mediation contributes to the expansion of family conflict care services. This research was focused from the descriptive-interpretative aspect and applying the analysis and synthesis. The result demonstrates the existence of other conflicts within the family context, the proposal of incorporating family mediation into the Arbitration and Mediation Law is proposed, so that the existing legal vacuum is remedied; as well as that the mediation centers expand their attention services in a multidimensional sense.
