Psycho-neurological aspects of learning.

  • Cedeño Sandoya Walter Adrián
  • Tobar Vera Sandra Lidia
  • Mancheno Paredes Lenin Patricio.
Keywords: Neurosciences, neuropsychology, neuro learning, meaningful learning, neural networks


From the precise moment in which it was determined that the brain also constitutes an organ of learning, there was a significant shift from the paradigm of traditional education, to another that included the postulates of Neuroscience. The deep understanding that is obtained from the brain in light of its scanning, in relation to the learning process, is what Psychology takes advantage of intersection with the Neurosciences, from which the Neuropsychology arises, sometimes conceptualized as cognitive Neuroscience, and from the intersection of Neuropsychology with Education, Neuro-learning arises, so that from an interdisciplinary approach, what it is about is to study how the brain works, as an organ of learning.
