On the necessity of creating a psychological-sociological service for foreign citizens studying at Russian medical higher education institutions.

  • Olga V. Ivanchuk
  • Inna R. Shagina.
Keywords: psychological and sociological diagnostics, adaptation of foreign students


The number of foreign students coming to Russia for higher medical education has increased in recent years, making them attractive to applicants from countries such as Tunisia, Morocco, the South African Republic, Ivory Coast, Vietnam and others. When these students come to Russia, they enter a foreign social environment, do not understand traditions, modes and norms of communication, culture and society in general; so, the awkward is getting worse since they form multinational, multiconfectional groups, with different tolerance levels. The authors of the article conducted a study of the relationship between the level of tolerance, the level of manifestation of deviant behavior and aggression, and the academic progress of foreign students studying in Russian medical universities.
