The use of modern pedagogical and information technologies in the educational process to enhance the creative potential of students.

  • Shynar Yelezhanova
  • Zhupar Bilyalova
  • Beket Kenzhegulov
  • Zhanargul Kabylkhamit
  • Akhmaral Khairzhanova
  • Zhanylsyn Sabirova
  • Zulfiya Zhanuzakova
  • Gulnara Mustagaliyeva.
Keywords: learning technologies, traditional technologies, learner-oriented technologies, information technologies, education


In pedagogy, questions inevitably arise: “What to teach?”, “Why teach?”, “How to teach?”, but at the same time, another one appears: “How to teach effectively?” Training turns into a semblance of a certain technological process with predetermined goals and a guaranteed result. Naturally, education cannot be completely likened to production. Nevertheless, the concept of pedagogical technologies appeared in pedagogy. A.S. Makarenko called the pedagogical process a specially organized “pedagogical production”, posed the problems of developing a “pedagogical technique”.
