Dosimetric technology to sectorize risk zones by thermonuclear radiation in the coast of Esmeraldas Province.

  • Jorge Oswaldo Terán Medina
  • Milton Guillermo Gordón Martínez.
Keywords: Dosimetric Technology, thermonuclear radiation, risk zones


The present study contributes to the solution of the problem of thermonuclear pollution in the coasts of Ecuador; the article is related to the information generated by the research, whose purpose is to analyze the use of dosimeters in the detection of high-risk radioactive zones on the coasts of the province of Esmeraldas, which affects the prevention of the affectation of the health that is currently causing its deterioration and the causes that generate carcinogenic diseases are not known, since there have been no studies on this particular issue. The main result of this analysis is the use of dosimetric technology for the detection of areas with the presence of radioactivity.
