Alcoholism as an aggravating cause in cases of violence against women or members of the family nucleus.

  • Wilson Rene Paredes Navarrete
  • Leonardo Toapanta Jiménez
  • Lenin Darío Pazmiño Salazar
  • Jorge Alfredo Eras Díaz
  • Juan Orlando Jácome Cordones.
Keywords: Alcoholism, violent behavior, family nucleus


The relationship between violent behavior against women and other members of the family and alcohol consumption is currently a social problem with legal repercussions. The most frequent is to see an alcoholic man execute violent actions against women; data at the global level show that this is not a problem that covers all countries, regardless of their economic or technological development. That being the case, there are many studies that affirm that, it is the family nucleus, the place where the greatest number of aggressions against women occur, regardless of age, condition, race, culture and economic condition.
