Bad Professional Practice in Ecuador.

  • Fausto Néstor Pintado Astudillo
  • Juan Alberto Rojas Cárdenas
  • Edmundo Enrique Pino Andrade.
Keywords: Bad Professional Practice, criminalization, COIP (Comprehensive Criminal Organic Code), judicialization


The Bad Professional Practice was penalized with the publication of article 146 of the COIP (Comprehensive Organic Penal Code), which has created uncertainty in Health, Law, Engineering, Information Technology and Architecture professionals to the point that they are currently promoting assemblies in order to clarify this judicial situation. The new one (COIP) establishes a new crime, that until the publication of this new legal body did not exist, "The Bad Professional Practice", the same that is the corollary or the result of the struggle between the civil society, the political rulers of the Ecuadorian state, the unions of the health sector, championed by doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives, medical technologists, and other professionals that involve the public and private health sector.
