Improving the quality of agrarian education as a basis for transfering technologies to agricultural production.

  • N.V. Byshov
  • L.N. Lazutkina
  • V.S. Konkina
  • M.A. Chikhman
  • O.A. Fedosova
  • Starodubova.
Keywords: agrarian education, outsourcing, strategy for the development of education, technology transfer, agriculture


This article analyzes the modern Russian system of training qualified personnel for the agroindustry complex. The development of agricultural production, the widespread digitalization of the economy and the introduction of resource-saving technologies require a change in approaches to the training of agricultural specialists, building an innovative model of teaching at universities, creating outsourcing centers on their basis, which can enhance the practical orientation of the educational process, use the university's scientific potential for technology transfer in the real sector of the agrarian economy.
