Model of financial management for the company Kratos Constructora Cía. Ltda. from the city of Puyo.

  • Dailín Peña Suárez
  • Pas. Jennifer Nataly Cambal Condo
  • Miryan Janeth Arévalo Haro
  • Alejandra Margarita Chávez Silva.
Keywords: Model, management, financial, indicators


The research was aimed at obtaining an increase in short and long term liquidity in the study company. Concepts with important contribution in the financial management that allowed to guarantee the economic solvency were approached. For the collection of information and identification of the problems, the mixed methodology was used, focused on performing different analysis and evaluation of results, using the interview and survey techniques, applying the questionnaire as a research instrument. The results obtained from the diagnosis allowed applying a four-phase management model, administrative planning, financial planning, direction and control, each of these phases consisted of generating processes that are of primary use.
