Organizations in relation to leadership.

  • María Azucena Mendoza Alcívar
  • Aída Margarita Izquierdo Morán
  • Lisenia Karina Baque Villanueva.
Keywords: Leadership, influence, efficiency


We are at a time that the influence of technology has surpassed the team work of organizations, so the managers of companies try to implement in each area a person with skills of leader to improve the quality and efficiency of the same. The problem of this investigation lies in the ignorance of the types of leadership in organizations. Likewise, we can say that the objective is to know about the different scenarios where the object of study is developed. The methods used are the theoretical, inductive, deductive, analysis - synthesis and historical - logical. In addition, we reviewed documents that allowed us to make an opinion based on surveys applying strategies at a general study level.
