Identification of environmental competences to define an environmentally responsible professional profile.

  • Mirna Castro Bello
  • Carlos Virgilio Marmolejo Vega
  • Columba Rodríguez Alviso.
Keywords: Competencies, curriculum, environment, professional profile


The objective of this research is to design a methodology to identify environmental competences in order to configure an environmentally responsible profile of higher education graduates, using statistical techniques: qualitative analysis and convergence of opinions with thw Delphi method. The process is developed in the civil engineering study plan in a simple space of 48 institutes of the National Technological Institute of México, obtaining a random sample stratified to 90% confidence. The results show the identification of environmental competences, derived from the convergence analysis of opinions of participating teachers and experts, and the definition of a professionally responsable profile, as well as reproducibility to any other higher education programs.
