Analysis of the entry of secondary school students into the higher education system through a LOGIT model.

  • Darwyn Agustín Tinitana Villalta
  • José Ruperto Salas Barahona
  • Luis Vicente Vargas Erazo
  • Martha Eugenia Unda Garzón
  • Miguel Ángel Sampedro Armas.
Keywords: probability, model, Odds, causality, spurious


In Ecuador, 70% of high school students do not have access to higher education. Important socioeconomic factors that affect the level of entry to higher education were analyzed with a model of RL. The survey was applied to students of last level of baccalaureate of two public schools and two private schools. The Odds obtained were higher than the national statistics. The probability of admission to the university is higher in private schools. The RL model found a statistically significant relationship (p < 0.05) to the variables: education of the parents and level of economic independence of the students. Important related studies helped rule out the spurious causality of the RL model variables.
