Critical review of Al-Mas`Udi narratives related to Hazrat Ibraheem (alayhi s-salām).

  • Barkat Ullah Khan Qureshi
  • Manzoor Ahmad.
Keywords: publication, History, historian, forgiveness, singularity


Muruj adh-dhahab wa ma`adin al jawhar is the publication of famous historian Al-Mas`udi, who is accepted as encyclopedia of knowledge by many historians and put their trust on its narrations. Although Al Mas`udi has collected a vast amount of information but failed in different aspects due to which researchers do not put trust on him in different narrations. Hazrat Ibrheem alayhi s-salām has been considered as most respectable in all the three religions Judaism, charistanity, and Islam. In this article a critical analysis of Muruj adh-dhahab wa ma`adin al –jawhar has been taken regarding narrations related to Hazrat Ibraheem, alayhi s-salām for their confirmation.
