Affective competences and academic performance of the students of the VII and IX cycle of the specialty of Initial Education of the Faculty of Education.

  • Tula Carola Sánchez García
  • Blanca Araceli Aurea Burgos
  • Flor Del Roció Carriel Paredes.
Keywords: affective skills, academic performance


The research is descriptive causal correlational quasi-experimental; it deals with the importance of the development of affective competencies, we chose that domain, because we consider that the students of the specialty must be conscious of the role that they will acquire in front of the children of the society, and of the treatment that has to give them, the love that they must profess, for it they must know themselves, to control their emotions. However, we do not take into account the affective needs of our students and that in the learning processes a series of situations are derived that are familiar, friendly that intervene and give academic performance as results.
