Underemployment: Phenomenon that threatens labor stability in Ecuador.

  • Génesis Karolina Robles Zambrano
  • Pamilys Milagros Moreno Arvelo
  • Karen Clemencia Triviño Vera.
Keywords: Underemployment, job stability, precariousness


Underemployment has taken up a lot of space in recent years in Latin America, especially in countries such as Ecuador. It is a silent phenomenon that attacks labor stability, inciting precariousness, the fact that a high percentage of the population is employed, or exercising some kind of work that generates income does not indicate that working conditions have improved. It is in this sense that the present work is based, in understanding this figure as a worrying and involuntary situation, which shows the fragile organization of the labor system and the lack of foresight and planning of a country. This work allows us to conclude that there are bureaucratic procedures that make it impossible for Ecuadorian youth to access university public institutions immediately, they approach this sector of the population to be employed in precarious jobs that can give them a livelihood.
