The appreciation of research at the University: proposal of a methodological strategy.

  • Fredy Pablo Cañizares Galarza
  • Roberth Vinicio Lalama Flores
  • Edy Javier Meza Pérez
  • Lourdes Del Rocío Sánchez Pérez
  • Yanhet Lucia Valverde Torres.
Keywords: research, methodological strategy, workshop seminar, scientific production, investigative competences


The scientific production of the Ecuadorian university is low, with little investigative interest and poor development of the research skills necessary for a professional. The objective of the work is to assess the feasibility of the methodological strategy based on the seminar - workshop technique to develop the research competences of the undergraduate teachers of the academic-professional careers of the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes. This research is qualitative-quantitative because it studies the transformations with methods of analysis and measurement in the teachers, so that they replicate their knowledge about research in the students. An evaluation of the proposal was made by the expert criterion method and the research indicators that the proposed strategy contemplates were approved.
